2024 Getting Started in Echocardiography Online Workshop


About the Workshop

“Jess is loving the online course Ruth! Your knack for helping things “make sense” is working its magic once again! A brilliant opportunity for newcomers!”, Feena Menso, Director – Cardiac Investigations, QLD Health, Toowoomba Base Hospital, Australia. 

“Getting Started in Echo, is a perfect bridge from textbook to scanning your first patient – full of practical tips and tricks of the trade. Ruth’s enthusiasm, boundless knowledge and love of cardiac ultrasound is infectious! Highly recommended for all newbie sonographers“, Jocasta Daley, Cardiac Physiologist, GenesisCare, Wesley Hospital, Brisbane, Australia.

Designed to FAST TRACK Trainee Echocardiographers during the first 3 months of training and take the pressure off Senior Echocardiographers. The “Getting Started in Echo” online course gives participants an enormous amount of information and practical tips. Approved for ASUM, CICM and ACEM CPD points.

This program includes 9 MODULES and many unique interactive activities – over 40 case studies of cardiac pathology, quizzes to test your understanding, Build a 3D Heart Model, Doppler Ultrasound and the ECHO ED Transducer Simulator (EETS) to help you gain practical skills.  The 5 Part Practical Video series will show you the “Tricks of the Trade” and assist you in obtaining and optimising cardiac images. These are some of the tricks that I focus on during the early stages of training and are seldom found in the textbook. The comprehensive “Standard Echo Images” module is very specific in examining cardiac structure and function from all echo windows.

Registration includes access to the ECHO ED “Getting Started in Echo” online course for 12 months.
“It is with great pleasure that I introduce the Echo Ed online teaching program developed by Ruth Ramm. 
Ruth has been teaching echocardiography at a national and international level for over 20 years. It has been a great privilege to observe her skills evolve and her course material mature into the elegant, concise and highly respected body of work that you will find herewith.  Ruth has the knack for providing clear explanation and simplification of extremely complicated material. Even embryology is understandable when Ruth works through her famous plasticine models!
I happily recommend this online teaching material for those entering the exciting world of echocardiography. Our discipline provides the eyes and tools that allow clinical cardiology to achieve the excellent outcomes and safety we have grown to expect in the modern era. Practical proficiency with these tools is paramount. 
Enjoy the journey into this wide world of Echo with Ruthie Ramm. Listen, learn and absorb all of the wisdom that Ruth has to offer. Welcome to the world of clinical echocardiography”.  Professor Gregory M Scalia MBBS (Hons), M Med Sc, FRACP, FACC, FCSANZ, FASE, JP (Qual). Director of Echocardiography. The Prince Charles Hospital. Cardiologist, Genesiscare.  Brisbane. School of Medicine, University of Queensland. 


This online program is an ideal way to be immersed in 2D transthoracic Echo and practical tips to use at the bedside.  Highly recommended for Trainee Echocardiographers (Adult & Paediatric), Critical Care Specialists and Medical students – start your echo placement with confidence.

Complement your studies at the University of South Australia (UniSA), Central Queensland University (CQU)  or Queensland University of Technology (QUT) and fast track your training.

After successfully completing the online course, you are invited to book a one-on-one 70 minute LIVE practical session ($245 inc GST) with a Senior Echocardiographer, where you will receive personal guidance and feedback while scanning a normal patient. This will give you more confidence when scanning. Contact the ECHO ED team via the contact page on this website to book an online LIVE practical session.

Learn at your own pace. Learn in your own environment. Learn the skill of 2D Transthoracic ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY.  Ruth Ramm has a structured way of obtaining and optimising Echo images…you can too!


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