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Evaluation of Capiox RX25 and Quadrox‐i Adult Hollow Fiber Membrane Oxygenators in a Simulated Cardiopulmonary Bypass Circuit

Abstract The Capiox RX25 and Quadrox‐i Adult oxygenators are commonly used in clinical adult cardiopulmonary bypass circuits. This study was designed to test the effectiveness of two adult oxygenators in..

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Hemodynamic energy during pulsatile extracorporeal circulation using flexible and rigid arterial tubing: a reassessment

Abstract Introduction: Pulsatile extracorporeal circulation may improve organ perfusion during cardiac surgery. Some minimally invasive extracorporeal circulation (MiECC) systems allow pulsatile perfusion. The present study investigated the influence of arterial..

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Feasibility of a 3D Printed Patient-Specific Model System to Determine Hemodynamic Energy Delivery During Extracorporeal Circulation

Abstract Although many have studied the effects of pulsatile flow on extracorporeal circulation, its advantages remain controversial. One reason for this situation is that in most studies, pulsatility was evaluated..

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