The Economics of ECMO – May 7


 Innovative ECMO Concepts (IEC) is excited to announce its upcoming webinar, “The Economics of ECMO,” on May 7th at 2 PM EST. This enlightening online event is strategically designed for hospital executives and stakeholders facing the financial intricacies of the post-pandemic landscape.

Dr. Ara Balkian, the strategic advisor to IEC, will lead the discussion on the financial and clinical significance of Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO). His expertise will illuminate the critical aspects of ECMO, including hospital reimbursement models, charges, costs, and revenue, as well as the intricacies of its revenue cycle.

Amidst these unprecedented financial challenges, hospitals are in dire need of pioneering strategies for revenue generation and management. “The Economics of ECMO” is a crucial step in equipping hospital leaders with the knowledge to effectively navigate and capitalize on ECMO services, which are not only pivotal in saving lives but also in bolstering the financial robustness of healthcare institutions.
